reduce consumption 8.03   Reduce alcohol consumption.
  boost consumption 2.96   Two are to boost consumption.
  cut consumption 2.70   They may cut consumption or substitute something else.
  increase consumption 2.63   A cold winter will increase oil consumption.
  limit consumption 2.44   Limit alcohol consumption.
  curb consumption 1.18   Raising their price through a tax will curb consumption noticeably.
  encourage consumption 1.18   If so, should we encourage consumption when debts are rising?
  spur consumption 1.12   To spur consumption, he called for a tax cut without giving specifics.
  stimulate consumption 1.05   That will mean lower interest rates, stimulating consumption.
  discourage consumption 0.99   Forget the idea of a new tax to discourage fuel consumption.
  ban consumption 0.92   And alcohol consumption was banned.
  lower consumption 0.92   Tavanir promised to restore power soon, but urged the public to lower consumption.
  forbid consumption 0.86   Islam forbids alcohol consumption.
  link consumption 0.79   The military links alcohol consumption to rising crime.
  slow consumption 0.79   That slowed consumption of manufactured goods, including those imported from Argentina.
  affect consumption 0.72   A boom on Wall Street could therefore affect consumption more than it used to.
  dampen consumption 0.72   This, in turn, will dampen oil consumption.
  curtail consumption 0.53   Curtailing electricity consumption this summer is going to be crucial.
  promote consumption 0.53   It promotes consumption rather than savings.
  control consumption 0.46   The same approach is now being used to control water consumption.
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