1.   As a high school student, he stayed home from the prom, which fell on the Sabbath, even though he had been voted prom king.

2.   He also played football, and his fellow seniors liked him so much they voted him prom king.

3.   The prom king, an observant Jew.

4.   In high school, he was prom king and captain of the basketball team.

n. + king >>共 172
homecoming 3.04%
strikeout 3.04%
warrior 2.28%
buyout 1.90%
demon 1.90%
lion 1.90%
porno 1.90%
junk-bond 1.52%
auto 1.52%
drug 1.52%
prom 1.52%
prom + n. >>共 47
night 21.91%
dress 12.92%
queen 11.24%
date 10.11%
picture 3.93%
gown 3.37%
couple 3.37%
season 2.81%
king 2.25%
party 2.25%
每页显示:    共 4