1.   As vigorous low pressure churns slowly away from the coast, only patchy showers will be left by later Saturday.

2.   A brief period of snow may brush extreme eastern New England early Sunday morning as low pressure churns northeast into the Canadian Maritimes.

3.   Formidable low pressure will churn though the Southwest states, bringing heavy snow to the southern Rockies.

4.   In New England, winds from the west will remain gusty as robust low pressure churns across eastern Canada.

5.   More heavy rain will deluge parts of the Pacific Northwest as low pressure churns offshore.

n. + churn >>共 102
stomach 13.76%
leg 4.76%
system 3.70%
mill 3.17%
storm 3.17%
pressure 2.65%
water 2.65%
emotion 2.12%
start 2.12%
wind 2.12%
pressure + v. >>共 583
be 31.94%
mount 5.28%
build 4.19%
come 2.96%
grow 2.27%
continue 2.24%
increase 1.95%
force 1.87%
remain 1.67%
make 1.33%
churn 0.08%
每页显示:    共 5