1.   Another useful air tool is the power washer.

2.   Bonilla painted over a fire door, while Fernandez blasted graffiti right off the brick with the power washer.

3.   Do not use the power washer on stucco surfaces.

4.   If the exterior of your house is dirty, consider renting a power washer to remove the grime.

5.   Other air tools like power washers and sandblasters are more economical.

6.   Other than buying a power washer, what will get that slimy, smelly coating off?

7.   Rent a chipper shredder, power washer or tiller, and help Dad get the back yard in order.

8.   Sanding is also an option, but for large jobs, a power washer is the only way to go.

9.   Scrub first to remove as much of the chalkiness as possible, and flush thoroughly with a strong hose or power washer.

10.   The concrete is washed heavily, first with a power washer, then with acid.

n. + washer >>共 46
window 18.90%
pressure 13.41%
clothes 12.80%
power 9.15%
car 4.88%
rubber 4.88%
windshield 4.27%
dish 2.44%
cam 1.83%
lock 1.83%
power + n. >>共 531
struggle 8.54%
line 8.11%
company 5.66%
outage 4.34%
supply 3.73%
base 2.61%
cut 2.28%
failure 2.28%
generation 2.20%
generator 2.05%
washer 0.11%
每页显示:    共 15