1.   Chefs and their pastry pros get an urge to start throwing everything but the dish washer into their creme anglaise.

2.   Innovations like the dish washer, vacuum cleaner and clothes dryer, Ms. Mendelson writes, promised to make housekeeping easier.

3.   Still to come are standards on dish washers, furnaces and boilers, and home central air conditioners.

4.   The wine glasses are also rinsed twice in commercial dish washer to ensure there is no soap residue, he said.

n. + washer >>共 46
window 18.90%
pressure 13.41%
clothes 12.80%
power 9.15%
car 4.88%
rubber 4.88%
windshield 4.27%
dish 2.44%
cam 1.83%
lock 1.83%
dish + n. >>共 96
towel 26.48%
owner 8.22%
detergent 3.65%
washing 3.20%
soap 2.74%
drainer 2.28%
salad 2.28%
cloth 1.83%
rag 1.83%
washer 1.83%
每页显示:    共 4