1.   It also shows player rosters for any year.

2.   There are even free programs that feature a player roster.

3.   There is little question that the player roster will change significantly.

4.   Deactivated RHP Steve Maddock from the player roster, who remains manager.

n. + roster >>共 132
playoff 17.97%
team 8.27%
agency 5.67%
opening-day 4.26%
season 4.02%
day 3.07%
client 2.60%
championship 2.13%
summer 2.13%
league 1.65%
player 0.95%
player + n. >>共 724
association 7.84%
union 6.49%
personnel 5.32%
salary 4.83%
development 3.69%
representative 2.90%
contract 2.59%
agent 2.52%
director 2.04%
movement 1.76%
roster 0.14%
每页显示:    共 4