1.   A boiled egg and two slices of buttered bread had been laid out at his place at the table.

2.   A busy place at which most tourists cast no more than a cursory glance and pass on.

3.   A great feast took place at the palace.

4.   A serious controversy arose when the Wawne clergy Decided that all the burials from Sutton should take place at Wawne.

5.   Allan fought off stiff competition from throughout the UK to win one of only four places at the college.

6.   An industry insider said the name change was likely to take place at the end of March.

7.   And yet young deaf students have great difficulty in getting a place at university.

8.   As she spoke, she was laying him a place at the table.

9.   Being a news photographer is all about being in the right place at the right time.

10.   Being a successful news photographer is all about being in the right place at the right time.

n. + at >>共 1572
official 1.86%
student 0.82%
shot 0.80%
game 0.70%
day 0.67%
place 0.64%
job 0.63%
worker 0.61%
year 0.56%
professor 0.56%
place + p. >>共 93
in 37.04%
for 11.31%
on 8.38%
at 6.75%
like 4.73%
with 4.51%
to 3.11%
by 2.20%
as 2.15%
after 1.42%
每页显示:    共 1925