1.   And it would require greater efforts by pipeline operators to educate people living along pipelines about what to do in an emergency.

2.   At the same time some people are advocating tightening safety rules, the Bush administration has suggested loosening regulations on pipeline operators as part of a national energy policy.

3.   A previous GAO probe showed that OPS essentially let pipeline operators regulate themself, resulting in spills and explosions that have killed people and damaged the environment.

4.   Add heavy fines to repair costs, and the potential price of letting pipelines go bad will change the way pipeline operators behave, King reasons.

5.   But for pipeline operators the narrow definition is important because it greatly reduces their costs for managing pipelines in sensitive areas.

6.   But the pipeline office has not revised its rules to include standards for mailing lists and warnings for all pipeline operators.

7.   Even when the threat became apparent, only a few pipeline operators emptied lines crossing the river as a precaution.

8.   Experience is showing that pipeline operators are having to test sizable stretches of lines to examine the required portions, Gerard said.

9.   In addition, pipeline operators are likely to face more stringent requirements to educate the public and local officials about what to do in an emergency.

10.   In the end, the Williams Cos., an energy trader and pipeline operator, won control of Barrett.

n. + operator >>共 688
cable 10.71%
tour 10.03%
radio 3.53%
telephone 2.81%
casino 2.24%
hotel 1.78%
plant 1.44%
system 1.39%
camera 1.39%
telecommunication 1.37%
pipeline 0.88%
pipeline + n. >>共 225
project 12.86%
company 10.04%
route 5.93%
system 4.47%
operator 4.11%
network 3.56%
construction 2.46%
safety 2.37%
explosion 2.37%
business 2.19%
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