1.   The Works are connected by pipeline to a holding tank and loading arms at the North Side, Edinburgh Dock.

2.   The pipeline will connect gas fields in southeastern and central Queensland with Brisbane.

3.   The pipeline will connect with Consolidated Edison equipment at the border of the Bronx, so the gas can be transmitted to New York City and beyond.

4.   The pipeline connects an oil terminal at San Leonardo to Porto Marghera, an industrial complex along the lagoon.

5.   The pipeline connects an oil terminal at San Leonardo with Porto Marghera, an industrial complex along the lagoon.

6.   The plant is connected by pipeline to the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and to the airport in Brussels.

7.   The plant, known as Universal Refining, is connected by pipeline to the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and to the airport in Brussels.

8.   The Sumed pipeline connects Ain Sukhna on the Gulf of Suez to Sidi Kerir on the Mediterranean Sea west of Cairo.

9.   The pipeline will connect Port Said in Egypt with the Israeli port of Haifa via the Gaza Strip, and should link to Jericho and Jordan as well.

10.   The pipeline will connect the Cusiana and Cupiagua fields, in the Llanos Orientales or eastern plains region, to the Caribbean coast.

n. + connect >>共 548
user 3.57%
people 2.84%
road 1.94%
cable 1.86%
line 1.78%
bridge 1.62%
procedure 1.62%
computer 1.54%
system 1.38%
flight 1.22%
pipeline 0.81%
pipeline + v. >>共 148
be 23.39%
run 8.01%
carry 5.34%
have 4.08%
explode 2.35%
pass 2.35%
go 2.20%
rupture 2.04%
cross 1.73%
transport 1.73%
connect 1.57%
每页显示:    共 10