1.   Two cables connect to each corner of the plate.

2.   A cable connects the camera to a camera control unit and to the color monitor watched by the doctor.

3.   A cable connects the antenna to the computer inside the aircraft, and the computer is linked to a conventional Web and e-mail server.

4.   A cable would connect the turbines to power transmission lines on Cape Cod.

5.   A pasty mixture of baking soda and a little water can be applied over the area where the cables connect to the battery posts.

6.   A single cable connects the screen to the computer box, eliminating the need for a separate power cord.

7.   A supplied cable connects it to your existing graphics card via the monitor port.

8.   Cables connected its irregularly shaped slabs of steel, recalling the strings of a violin.

9.   ENN sends its feed to server computers in each building, which are connected by cables to the screens in the elevators.

10.   In addition, Weigel said, new high-strength cables will connect all the pontoons this summer.

n. + connect >>共 548
user 3.57%
people 2.84%
road 1.94%
cable 1.86%
line 1.78%
bridge 1.62%
procedure 1.62%
computer 1.54%
system 1.38%
flight 1.22%
cable + v. >>共 214
be 15.96%
connect 3.63%
come 3.63%
snap 3.63%
have 3.32%
break 3.16%
run 2.05%
do 1.74%
link 1.42%
provide 1.42%
每页显示:    共 23