1.   Butter is not used in this recipe because of the natural oil in the pinon nuts.

2.   Coffee roasted with pinon nuts.

3.   I would suggest you reduce the level of spice, because of the delicate flavor of the pinon nuts.

4.   Six years of drought followed by heavy precipitation caused a bumper crop of pinon nuts and a population explosion of the rodents that spread the virus in their droppings.

5.   There also has been good production of acorns and pinon nuts, a boon to wildlife.

6.   Top them with chopped green chili, sun-dried tomatoes, roasted garlic or pinon nuts.

n. + nut >>共 156
sport 4.27%
conspiracy 3.66%
golf 3.35%
gun 3.05%
hickory 2.74%
slip 2.74%
hockey 2.74%
wire 2.44%
ground 2.44%
health 2.44%
pinon 1.83%
pinon + n. >>共 5
nut 46.15%
pine 23.08%
forest 15.38%
foothill 7.69%
log 7.69%
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