1.   Physical stimulation releases healing growth hormones into the immune sys-tem.

2.   ...physical stimulation.

3.   All three work only in response to direct physical stimulation.

4.   Viagra produces an erection only with physical stimulation.

a. + stimulation >>共 95
electrical 16.79%
intellectual 8.76%
electric 5.47%
sexual 4.38%
mental 4.01%
economic 4.01%
magnetic 3.65%
visual 3.65%
sensory 2.92%
direct 1.82%
physical 1.46%
physical + n. >>共 1139
evidence 4.39%
activity 3.47%
condition 3.38%
abuse 2.24%
contact 2.00%
problem 1.84%
presence 1.80%
fitness 1.72%
exam 1.59%
play 1.46%
stimulation 0.04%
每页显示:    共 4