electrical stimulation 3.03   Bodger is receiving electrical stimulation on the injured area.
  intellectual stimulation 1.58   But there was next to no creative intellectual stimulation.
  electric stimulation 0.99   The senior was treated with ice and electric stimulation on Monday.
  sexual stimulation 0.79   Add a little old-fashioned sexual stimulation.
  economic stimulation 0.72   He called on Congress to pass legislation on airport security and economic stimulation.
  mental stimulation 0.72   The degree of mental stimulation was absent.
  magnetic stimulation 0.66   So magnetic stimulation can create electrical fields in the brain.
  visual stimulation 0.66   Too much visual stimulation kills brain cells.
  sensory stimulation 0.53   They also increase the amount of sensory stimulation it receives.
  direct stimulation 0.33   All three work only in response to direct physical stimulation.
  ventricular stimulation 0.33   Electrophysiological studies with premature ventricular stimulation generally do not induce ventricular arrhythmias.
  appropriate stimulation 0.26   For instance, the ability to see normally depends on appropriate visual stimulation during the first years of life.
  electronic stimulation 0.26   On Thursday, he was almost pain free after being treated with ice and electronic stimulation.
  further stimulation 0.26   But many think the U.S. economy already is growing so quickly that any further stimulation could drive up both wages and prices.
  physical stimulation 0.26   ...physical stimulation.
  verbal stimulation 0.26   He responds regularly in an appropriate way to questions and to verbal stimulation.
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