1.   The cephalic phase response to feeding is one of the best recognised examples of modulation of the gut secretory function by the central nervous system.

2.   The acute phase response also involves changes in the plasma concentrations of a number of liver synthesised proteins.

3.   In requesting an estimate of the circulating CRP concentration, the clinician is seeking objective evidence that the body has initiated an acute phase response.

n. + response >>共 284
government 8.82%
police 7.33%
audience 4.24%
e-mail 3.67%
market 2.86%
policy 2.52%
antibody 2.41%
disaster 2.06%
consumer 2.06%
crowd 1.95%
phase 0.46%
phase + n. >>共 64
diagram 9.36%
shift 8.77%
change 7.60%
separation 5.26%
trial 5.26%
equilibrium 4.09%
space 3.51%
transition 3.51%
play 2.92%
group 2.34%
response 2.34%
每页显示:    共 4