1.   He added that temporary asylum is usually for one year, and then the individual can apply for permanent asylum.

2.   Immigration authorities warn that Canada is not obliged to grant permanent asylum to all comers.

3.   The refugees are then entitled to hearings on whether permanent asylum is granted, but a large percentage of claimants do not show up.

4.   They left carrying small cloth bags with their few possessions but no clear word on whether they will be granted permanent asylum in the United States.

5.   Cubas will likely get permanent asylum in Brazil, Foreign Minister Luiz Felipe Lampreia said Tuesday.

6.   Kurds had wanted Greece to grant Ocalan permanent asylum and quickly turned their fury against Greek diplomatic sites.

7.   Kurds, who had wanted Greece to grant Ocalan permanent asylum, held anti-Greek protests around Europe.

8.   The UNHCR is trying to secure permission for the refugees to stay in Turkey temporarily until they are granted permanent asylum in Canada, as expected.

a. + asylum >>共 194
north_korean 5.89%
seeking 5.12%
failed 4.50%
insane 4.03%
vietnamese 3.57%
temporary 3.41%
mental 3.41%
afghan 3.26%
new 1.86%
rejected 1.86%
permanent 1.24%
permanent + n. >>共 1273
member 11.37%
peace 4.21%
resident 3.39%
seat 2.65%
residency 2.35%
home 2.18%
damage 1.98%
replacement 1.96%
trade 1.79%
collection 1.61%
asylum 0.09%
每页显示:    共 8