north_korean asylum 2.50   Two more North Koreans seeking asylum.
  seeking asylum 2.17   Two more North Koreans seeking asylum.
  failed asylum 1.91   Failed asylum seekers must return to their country of origin.
  insane asylum 1.71   Welcome to the insane asylum.
  vietnamese asylum 1.51   Most Vietnamese asylum seekers here are kept in closed camps.
  mental asylum 1.45   The fictional society is modeled on a mental asylum.
  temporary asylum 1.45   The three Lebanese who survived have applied for temporary asylum in Hungary.
  afghan asylum 1.38   Hundreds of mostly Afghan asylum seekers are on hunger strike at Woomera.
  bogus asylum 0.79   Simultaneously, he promised a crackdown on bogus asylum seekers.
  new asylum 0.79   They were among protesters against the new asylum bill.
  rejected asylum 0.79   Most have been rejected asylum in recent years.
  genuine asylum 0.66   I do not believe that the genuine asylum seeker will be treated fairly.
  liberal asylum 0.59   They have coincided with a sharp rise in refugees taking advantage of liberal asylum laws.
  possible asylum 0.59   He said he still was waiting for an answer from the Dominican Republic, which he also sounded out about possible asylum.
  cuban asylum 0.53   None of the Cuban asylum seekers want to return to their homes, the report said.
  permanent asylum 0.53   Immigration authorities warn that Canada is not obliged to grant permanent asylum to all comers.
  private asylum 0.53   Her first job after graduation was running the library at a private mental asylum in Hartford.
  formal asylum 0.46   The inspectors decide who may stay to make a formal asylum claim.
  iranian asylum 0.46   In July an Iranian asylum seeker suffered second and third degree burns after setting himself on fire at City Hall in the central Dutch city of Soest.
  foreign asylum 0.39   Police said they found two jerricans of petrol beside containers in which the foreign asylum seekers were living.
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