1.   A crisis had blown up over the peace talks.

2.   A fourth round of peace talks will begin on Monday.

3.   A series of violent attacks has left the peace talks in shreds.

4.   Critics of U.S. aid have questioned whether the White House package could disrupt peace talks.

5.   Everyone was hoping that the peace talks would come to a grand climax.

6.   Former President Jimmy Carter agreed to mediate the peace talks.

7.   Fox is clearly laying the groundwork for peace talks to restart.

8.   He was sent to Northern Ireland to cover the peace talks.

9.   His announcement came after two days of peace talks.

10.   History will not judge us by whether we get these old enemies to peace talks.

n. + talk >>共 398
peace 53.86%
trade 5.03%
contract 2.48%
merger 2.45%
budget 1.95%
settlement 1.73%
security 1.00%
truce 0.94%
membership 0.87%
status 0.81%
peace + n. >>共 152
process 21.79%
talk 20.97%
agreement 8.83%
accord 7.96%
plan 5.27%
treaty 4.34%
negotiation 4.26%
deal 3.88%
effort 3.46%
force 2.21%
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