1.   There is no doubt that they were sincere in their belief that their patients would benefit from their involvement.

2.   The patients benefit greatly from a change of scenery.

3.   Emotionally disturbed patients benefit from regular, brief visits.

4.   Some patients may benefit from a stress management programme, while severe cases may require the multidisciplinary services of a pain clinic.

5.   More sophisticated computer-designed prostheses for joint replacements allow many more patients to benefit.

6.   And Cafasso noted that some physicians who had worked closely with nurse practitioners saw how patients benefited from the additional emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention.

7.   And few would argue that all patients benefit from the knowledge that they have a right, if needed, to impartial dispute resolution.

8.   And there is growing evidence that patients may benefit from positive comments made under anesthesia.

9.   But Dr. Coste and his colleagues concluded that further research was needed to identify which hormone-deficient patients truly benefited from hormone injections.

n. + benefit >>共 1097
company 7.65%
stock 3.10%
consumer 2.27%
dollar 2.12%
proceeds 1.71%
market 1.22%
industry 1.15%
bank 1.15%
country 1.09%
people 1.07%
patient 1.03%
patient + v. >>共 801
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die 3.74%
get 2.81%
receive 2.81%
take 2.68%
need 2.44%
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