1.   The dollar is benefiting by default from the weakness of the yen.

2.   An appreciating dollar can benefit Treasuries if it attracts foreign investors to buy dollar-denominated assets such as U.S. bonds.

3.   Bonds and stocks fell on the news, while the dollar benefited.

4.   A strong dollar benefits German exporters because it makes their goods more affordable abroad and boosts the value of their dollar-denominated sales.

5.   A strong dollar can benefit bonds by making U.S. yields more attractive to foreigners than those in their own currency.

6.   A stronger Australian dollar typically benefits bonds and other investments denominated in that currency.

7.   A stronger dollar benefits exporters and multinationals because they get more guilders when converting dollar-based sales.

8.   A stronger dollar benefits exporters since it increases the value of earnings they bring back to Japan.

9.   A stronger dollar benefits Japanese exporters by raising the amount of yen they bring home from U.S. sales.

10.   A strong dollar benefits Japanese exporters by making their products more competitive and boosting returns from overseas sales.

n. + benefit >>共 1097
company 7.65%
stock 3.10%
consumer 2.27%
dollar 2.12%
proceeds 1.71%
market 1.22%
industry 1.15%
bank 1.15%
country 1.09%
people 1.07%
dollar + v. >>共 319
be 15.11%
rise 9.45%
fall 9.31%
make 3.23%
remain 2.57%
slip 2.48%
move 2.15%
help 2.12%
gain 2.04%
continue 1.90%
benefit 0.84%
每页显示:    共 98