1.   He coined the acronym MERMER, for memory and encoding-related multifaceted electroencephalographic response, to describe the entire package and patented the concept.

2.   PDL patented this concept of molecular bracing.

3.   RichFX has patented the concept of virtual gift exchanging.

4.   The Norwegian boat is easy to manoeuvre and almost impossible to tip, according to the inventors, who have patented the concept.

v. + concept >>共 443
support 4.86%
understand 3.82%
introduce 3.33%
have 3.11%
embrace 2.84%
endorse 2.67%
take 2.62%
develop 2.45%
grasp 2.45%
use 1.96%
patent 0.22%
patent + n. >>共 122
gene 6.76%
device 6.76%
system 5.41%
idea 4.73%
process 4.73%
technology 4.73%
invention 4.39%
discovery 3.38%
way 3.38%
product 3.04%
concept 1.35%
每页显示:    共 4