patent device 1.32   He refused to have his device patented.
  patent gene 1.32   So the institution patents the gene.
  patent system 1.05   Now he has patented a system that answers a telephone before it can ring.
  patent idea 0.92   Gratistelefon has patented the idea.
  patent process 0.92   He has already patented the process.
  patent technology 0.92   Kennedy has patented the technology.
  patent invention 0.86   They later patented their invention.
  patent discovery 0.66   The discovery has been patented.
  patent way 0.66   Huffman has patented a way of knitting fabric from buffalo hair.
  patent product 0.59   The product was patented by its inventor.
  patent design 0.53   The design is being patented.
  patent method 0.46   Businesses have always been free to patent their methods.
  patent concept 0.26   PDL patented this concept of molecular bracing.
  patent drug 0.26   Platt was trying to patent the drug for SafeScience over the objections of Wayne State.
  patent software 0.26   Then came the court rulings that software could be patented.
  patent technique 0.26   He even patented his technique.
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