1.   Last year Sabria and his partners opened a pasta factory here, and at the moment they cannot make enough to meet demand.

2.   While the financially troubled Prince pasta factory is up for sale, in Worcester, Mass., Wednesdays are in even more trouble than that.

3.   Al-Ahram said that a pasta factory and two animal feed factories will also be offered for sale in the auction.

4.   Despite the chaos and violence, the capital boasts efficient telecommunications companies, pasta factories, airlines, two television stations and FM radios.

5.   Ebeid added that fodder factories, mills and pasta factories will be sold starting next month, beginning with Sharqia Mills, which will be sold to the employees.

6.   For now, Saul will return to his college-prep studies and job at a pasta factory in Perrugia.

n. + factory >>共 672
garment 4.29%
bomb 4.04%
textile 3.78%
car 3.28%
weapon 2.38%
cement 2.31%
auto 2.16%
shoe 1.95%
cigarette 1.69%
arm 1.48%
pasta 0.22%
pasta + n. >>共 124
sauce 14.84%
dish 11.18%
water 7.11%
salad 7.11%
maker 4.88%
machine 3.66%
bowl 2.24%
primavera 1.83%
pot 1.83%
cook 1.83%
factory 1.22%
每页显示:    共 6