1.   However, the results generated in the output file will logically be interpreted with the same results.

2.   Two output files are created by the two ASSIGN-OUTPUT-FILE commands.

3.   On completion of the program this output file may be viewed or printed as appropriate.

4.   This facility does not require any further user input, and produces an output file, VALIDATE.MOD, in the current default directory.

5.   On completion of the program this output file will contain any detected CRC errors and may be viewed or printed as appropriate.

6.   In each case, the report will be directed to a user-specified output file.

7.   The name of an output file to which any errors detected by the scan are to be written.

8.   LIFESPAN has been unable to create the output file in your current directory since the VMS account has insufficient disk quota available.

9.   It is possible that LIFESPAN has been unable to create the output file for the mail in your current directory as the VMS account has insufficient disk quota available.

10.   LIFESPAN has been unable to create the output file for the mail in your current directory since the VMS account has insufficient disk quota available.

n. + file >>共 399
computer 11.41%
configuration 7.19%
music 5.63%
datum 3.62%
text 3.47%
personnel 3.37%
police 3.27%
court 2.71%
command 2.31%
log 2.21%
output 0.55%
output + n. >>共 136
cut 9.45%
figure 6.43%
capacity 5.86%
level 5.10%
datum 5.10%
growth 5.10%
quota 4.35%
price 3.02%
increase 2.65%
policy 2.08%
file 2.08%
每页显示:    共 11