1.   An accompanying editorial noted the difficulties in getting agitated young children to accept face masks and the necessity of having a second doctor involved to deliver the gas.

2.   At a Pentagon news briefing, Rumsfeld noted the difficulty in changing a bureaucracy as large as the Department of Defense.

3.   A schoolteacher in the town of Germiston, Joseph Tumahole, noted the difficulties of his job.

4.   But he noted the difficulty some fans had in getting to Yankee Stadium and parking, citing his own experience.

5.   During a Pentagon news briefing on Wednesday, Rumsfeld hinted at the broader approach to potential retaliation, while noting the difficulty of combatting terrorism.

6.   He noted the difficulty the United States and other countries have had combating the spread of the West Nile virus, which is considered relatively mild.

7.   Leach, in a memo to committee members, noted the difficulty in finding common ground.

8.   On both fronts he noted difficulties, but stopped far short of concluding that they would require lower interest rates.

9.   The decision noted the difficulties in proving negligent homicide and lambasted the prosecution for performing poorly in court.

10.   But he also noted the difficulty of writing about a man he knows so well.

v. + difficulty >>共 299
have 50.02%
face 9.00%
experience 2.78%
encounter 2.41%
cause 2.01%
overcome 1.99%
acknowledge 1.54%
underscore 1.23%
cite 1.21%
pose 1.05%
note 0.35%
note + n. >>共 868
shower 2.95%
difference 2.20%
change 1.97%
improvement 1.50%
increase 1.50%
progress 1.45%
problem 1.31%
absence 1.22%
concern 1.17%
report 1.17%
difficulty 0.84%
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