1.   At the time, mayor Rudolph Giuliani vowed not to return to the bargaining table and to seek nonbinding arbitration instead.

2.   Either side or both sides can file a request for fact finding, which is nonbinding arbitration.

3.   It rejected the nonbinding arbitration, required in Santa Clara County, Calif.

4.   The Giuliani administration, however, continued to insist on taking the dispute directly to nonbinding arbitration.

5.   While Ms. Feldman said she would ask on Friday to return to the bargaining table, Giuliani said the city would instead seek to go directly to nonbinding arbitration.

a. + arbitration >>共 147
international 27.65%
binding 23.93%
mandatory 6.88%
independent 3.01%
special 2.01%
state 1.86%
compulsory 1.29%
neutral 1.29%
new 1.15%
industry-run 1.00%
nonbinding 0.72%
nonbinding + n. >>共 55
resolution 31.55%
agreement 10.19%
referendum 7.77%
vote 7.28%
measure 4.37%
recommendation 3.88%
arbitration 2.43%
memorandum 1.94%
shareholder 1.94%
estimate 1.46%
每页显示:    共 5