1.   She smiled slightly, a nervous smile that held kindliness.

2.   The man, middle-aged, wearing a suit, complied with a nervous smile.

3.   The maid looked at him, a nervous smile on her face.

4.   Celia Hazell gave a nervous smile, looking to her husband to reply.

5.   A few nervous smiles broke out in a room.

6.   A nervous smile plays on her lips.

7.   Comean said with a nervous smile.

8.   It is a nervous smile, the kind of smile you see when someone has received, or is bracing for, depressing news.

9.   It was not the nervous smile of Bruce Seldon.

10.   Silence, a nervous smile.

a. + smile >>共 734
big 6.19%
broad 4.15%
wide 3.17%
wry 2.64%
little 1.98%
easy 1.93%
warm 1.87%
slight 1.69%
shy 1.66%
small 1.60%
nervous 0.41%
nervous + n. >>共 550
investor 6.36%
energy 3.86%
wreck 3.12%
laughter 2.74%
moment 1.87%
market 1.81%
disorder 1.56%
laugh 1.50%
tic 1.43%
time 1.37%
smile 0.87%
每页显示:    共 14