1.   A nervous laugh, because she was beginning to feel uneasy.

2.   He let out a nervous little laugh.

3.   Marie said with a nervous laugh as she gave him a dime.

4.   She was a shy, quiet woman in her mid-twenties with a tinkling nervous laugh.

5.   The silence that followed was finally broken by a nervous laugh from one of the men-at-arms.

6.   At first she was silent, then she gave a nervous laugh.

7.   Rory gave a nervous little laugh.

8.   A nervous laugh escaped Charity.

9.   At this she gave a nervous laugh.

10.   Biotech consultant Cynthia Robbins-Roth drew a nervous laugh with her opening remarks.

a. + laugh >>共 292
good 16.20%
big 7.52%
hearty 5.43%
easy 3.03%
little 3.03%
nervous 2.51%
short 2.51%
cheap 1.99%
biggest 1.99%
infectious 1.46%
nervous + n. >>共 550
investor 6.36%
energy 3.86%
wreck 3.12%
laughter 2.74%
moment 1.87%
market 1.81%
disorder 1.56%
laugh 1.50%
tic 1.43%
time 1.37%
每页显示:    共 24