1.   The nearest subway is eight blocks away, and so on many days they both drive to work.

2.   Where is the nearest subway station?

3.   While people wonder where they will get lunch and how they will pick their way from the nearest subway to their office, air quality is the sharpest concern.

4.   You know how to walk to the Buddhist temple and the Korean barbecue house and the nearest subway stop.

a. + subway >>共 230
new 7.93%
crowded 7.31%
underground 3.55%
busy 2.51%
japanese 2.30%
metro 2.09%
major 2.09%
first 1.88%
deadly 1.46%
regional 1.46%
nearest 0.84%
nearest + n. >>共 414
town 5.27%
hospital 5.05%
rival 4.32%
thing 3.37%
airport 3.08%
competitor 2.86%
station 2.78%
exit 1.98%
road 1.98%
office 1.76%
subway 0.29%
每页显示:    共 4