nearest town 4.74   I walked to the nearest town.
  nearest hospital 4.54   She was rushed to the nearest hospital.
  nearest rival 3.88   The Golf GTi and its nearest rival.
  nearest thing 3.03   But closed-end funds offer the nearest thing.
  nearest airport 2.76   The nearest airport is Charleston.
  nearest competitor 2.57   The nearest competitor to the time wine.
  nearest station 2.50   The nearest BP station?
  nearest exit 1.78   Head for the nearest exit.
  nearest road 1.78   The nearest road is five miles away.
  nearest office 1.58   The nearest offices are in Bonn and Athens.
  nearest city 1.51   The nearest city was Iquitos.
  nearest neighbor 1.51   And how far away are your nearest neighbors?
  nearest village 1.45   The nearest village to Stenay is Baaion.
  nearest house 1.32   Dad walked to the nearest farm house for help.
  nearest store 1.32   Run to your nearest fabric store.
  nearest port 1.12   The damaged ship was towed to the nearest port.
  nearest center 1.05   The nearest Icon center to New York City is in Toronto.
  nearest challenger 1.05   Her nearest challenger now is another Swede, Maria Hjorth.
  nearest clinic 0.86   Rush the child to the nearest dental clinic.
  nearest telephone 0.86   The nearest telephone is a village away.
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