1.   But the movie turns out to be a dispiriting, flavorless travesty, the equivalent of moldy tofu mystery meat and rancid skim milk.

2.   Gone are the mystery meats, greasy fried chicken, and mushy vegetables.

3.   In Silicon Valley, surly servers in hairnets do not dish out mushy mystery meat.

4.   Mystery meat is gone.

5.   On long flights, mystery meat will be provided for all carnivorous passengers.

6.   The biggest question remains at offensive line, and even the mystery meat there is more digestible than in previous years.

7.   The hecklers did enjoy the cafeteria food, however, as they found that mystery meat reminded them of ballpark cheeseburgers.

8.   This strikes me as a great deal for the school system and for the students who finally get to gag down their mystery meat with something other than milk.

9.   We had eaten spoonfuls of chili with mystery meat, weird chunks of vegetables, and unnatural color.

10.   What about mystery meat in the cafeteria?

n. + meat >>共 200
whale 12.41%
dog 9.31%
crab 6.75%
ground 6.11%
ostrich 2.74%
goat 2.65%
horse 2.46%
breast 2.28%
lobster 2.19%
hamburger 1.92%
mystery 0.91%
mystery + n. >>共 224
writer 9.97%
novel 8.68%
man 8.42%
shopper 4.02%
story 3.63%
illness 2.33%
woman 2.33%
series 2.07%
virus 1.68%
guest 1.68%
meat 1.30%
每页显示:    共 10