1.   Moisture also helps to keep the center of the souffle a bit runny, which is the way Payard serves the dessert at Daniel.

2.   The added moisture helps relieve the dryness often associated with respiratory problems.

3.   This moisture will help the tree retain its fresh, green color and also help to make it fireproof.

4.   Such weather can sometimes fade the color, but spring moisture this year helped deliver healthy trees.

5.   The corn crop, which has ended its crucial pollination period, still needs moisture to help kernels fill out normally.

6.   The extra moisture should help the fast bowlers early on.

7.   This moisture will help to enhance some shower and thunderstorm activity across the east and the coastal waters overnight.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
money 1.11%
rate 1.05%
dollar 0.99%
move 0.96%
company 0.83%
group 0.62%
system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
moisture 0.03%
moisture + v. >>共 150
be 19.60%
cause 4.85%
come 2.64%
condense 2.42%
evaporate 2.42%
increase 1.98%
continue 1.98%
get 1.76%
combine 1.76%
stream 1.76%
help 1.54%
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