1.   Afternoon thunderstorms will again develop over the southern and central Rockies as invading tropical moisture combines with the uneven heating of mountains to produce roiling cumulus clouds.

2.   Elsewhere, lingering moisture will combine with vigorous daytime heating to cause scattered afternoon thunderstorms over much of the Rockies.

3.   This moisture will combine with an upper-level disturbance to produce showers across much of the West.

4.   The moisture has combined with the jet stream to produce unstable local atmospheric conditions.

5.   The moisture combined with cold air to produce snow from the Dakotas across Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

6.   This moisture combined with local factors and an upper-level low pressure center over the Hispaniola to produce the showers and thunderstorms mentioned before.

7.   This moisture will combine with daytime heating to produce scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms across the area.

8.   This moisture will combine with the diurnal heating and sea breeze to induce showers and isolated thunderstorms across the interior and west sections of Puerto Rico this afternoon.

n. + combine >>共 758
company 5.54%
team 3.49%
factor 3.16%
two 1.32%
system 1.25%
pitcher 0.99%
reliever 0.86%
wind 0.79%
program 0.66%
merger 0.66%
moisture 0.53%
moisture + v. >>共 150
be 19.60%
cause 4.85%
come 2.64%
condense 2.42%
evaporate 2.42%
increase 1.98%
continue 1.98%
get 1.76%
combine 1.76%
stream 1.76%
每页显示:    共 8