1.   In particular, why is the temperature of the microwave background radiation so nearly the same when we look in different directions?

2.   The influx of energy would help explain the microwave background radiation.

3.   This leaves the problem of how to explain the microwave background radiation.

4.   Aluminum foil and metal containers reflect, rather than absorb, microwave radiation, and can cause overheating, arcing, even fire.

5.   And, most academic scientists say the microwave radiation that people are exposed to with devices like cell phones is harmless.

6.   Another group of theories supposes that lightning balls consist of gases heated by microwave radiation.

7.   Antarctica is excellent for such observations because the air is thin and dry and does not strongly absorb microwave radiation.

8.   As a matter of fact, the animals would really thrive on the microwave radiation.

9.   Astronomers would like to compare those structures to the ripples seen in the cosmic microwave background radiation, widely regarded as the afterglow of the Big Bang.

10.   As reassurance, she points to cases in which animals thrived on microwave radiation.

n. + radiation >>共 49
microwave 22.10%
background 19.34%
gamma 16.02%
space 4.42%
beta 3.87%
measure 3.31%
beam 1.66%
body 1.66%
heat 1.66%
energy 1.66%
microwave + n. >>共 130
radiation 11.56%
popcorn 7.80%
tower 4.34%
technology 3.76%
background 3.18%
dish 3.18%
energy 3.18%
signal 2.89%
network 2.60%
link 2.31%
每页显示:    共 40