1.   New government measures aim to improve race relations in inner cities.

2.   ...measures aimed at encouraging organ donation.

3.   Measures aimed at opening up the economy to foreign investment and the privatization of state companies continued apace throughout November.

4.   Archer did outline his fast-track proposal Monday, revealing a measure aimed largely at shoring up support among Republicans.

5.   Argentine Brady bonds slipped yesterday amid concerns that the Argentine Congress would delay considering government measures aimed at containing a rising budget deficit.

6.   Both measures aimed to break the link between those who write the checks and those who write the laws.

7.   Colombian President Ernesto Samper said earlier today Brazilian President Henrique Cardoso assured him Brazil is prepared to endorse export measures aimed at pushing up coffee prices.

8.   Gore also urged Congress to pass administration measures aimed at hate crimes, another seeming criticism of Bush, who opposed a similar measure in the Texas legislature.

9.   Hastert favors such background checks and other measures aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of children.

10.   Hashimoto said the measures aim to make Japanese financial markets as competitive as those of New York and London.

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measure + v. >>共 748
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