1.   In all, Mr. Dear threatened to withhold the certificate of efficiency if matters did not improve.

2.   The complaints even led to talk of reducing Marshall Aid unless matters improved.

3.   With the Brahms trio, matters improved.

4.   For the Raiders, matters improved midway through the second period.

5.   Have matters improved?

6.   If, for different reasons, the parties begin to unite and present themselves more positively, matters might improve.

7.   Investors say enough is enough, predicting an exodus from China stocks unless matters improve.

8.   Matters did not improve.

9.   Oliver, though, surrendered an infield single to Twins third baseman Jon Shave to begin the decisive, eight-run third inning, and matters never improved.

10.   The truth is, matters are improving.

n. + improve >>共 1228
condition 7.51%
situation 5.26%
economy 4.13%
thing 2.97%
relation 2.64%
step 2.27%
business 2.26%
technology 1.71%
weather 1.63%
sale 1.20%
matter 0.22%
matter + v. >>共 299
be 52.09%
come 3.54%
go 3.13%
become 1.87%
have 1.75%
get 1.75%
remain 1.59%
stand 1.30%
end 1.22%
rest 1.10%
improve 0.61%
每页显示:    共 15