1.   BIf things do not improve, then parents are summoned to a private meeting with school and district attorney officials.

2.   But things have now improved and sales in comparable shops are currently ahead of last year, if only by a neck.

3.   He made the point that most debtors will have to pay, and will respond positively when things improve.

4.   Her boss was pleased with her new forthrightness, and things improved.

5.   I dare say things will improve.

6.   The company went through a bad time last year, but lately things have been improving.

7.   The nine suggested Lobanov be put on probation -- and fired if things did not improve.

8.   They had witnessed a steady growth in circulation and were well satisfied with their achievements, even hopeful that things would improve.

9.   Things will improve from now on.

10.   Caroline Whitehead admitted things had improved in the last two weeks, but said there were still problems.

n. + improve >>共 1228
condition 7.51%
situation 5.26%
economy 4.13%
thing 2.97%
relation 2.64%
step 2.27%
business 2.26%
technology 1.71%
weather 1.63%
sale 1.20%
thing + v. >>共 260
be 38.64%
happen 9.73%
go 8.56%
get 6.84%
change 5.04%
look 1.64%
come 1.59%
seem 1.56%
start 1.55%
turn 1.49%
improve 0.84%
每页显示:    共 202