1.   Marketing departments know that if they attach this description to a savings plan, most of us will be bowled over.

2.   Find out how the marketing department is getting on with the new ad campaign.

3.   It could mean a final saleable item in the marketing department or a sub-assembly in the production department.

4.   The marketing department have been increasing the popularity of Stoddard Templeton products by using incentive promotions.

5.   The marketing department also ensures that the image and promotion standards set are applied consistently in order to maintain the strength and competitiveness of the trade name.

6.   An accounts department is different from a marketing department.

7.   But now the marketing department at Swindon-based National Power is giving him lift-off.

8.   Ken joins as operations manager responsible for the marketing department.

9.   Although some commercials do delve into the factual realm, consumers struggling to choose among competing insurers and HMOs can expect little help from the marketing departments.

10.   Amy Toyen worked in the marketing department at Thomson Financial Services in Boston, that rare summer intern who earned the status of full-time employee.

a. + department >>共 648
athletic 11.57%
state 5.58%
new 3.94%
marketing 3.51%
cabinet 2.37%
emergency 2.16%
insurance 2.10%
different 2.07%
federal 2.07%
legal 2.02%
marketing + n. >>共 846
campaign 5.15%
strategy 4.32%
effort 3.53%
tool 2.80%
director 2.79%
company 2.46%
plan 2.14%
executive 2.09%
program 1.81%
department 1.66%
每页显示:    共 119