1.   Marinated salmon and cod, one silky and the other salty, are among the first-course specialties, as is a vinegary gazpacho with tiny clams.

2.   Put the marinated salmon in a barbecue basket and grill on medium heat for three to five minutes on each side.

3.   The first consisted of fillets of marinated salmon topped with chopped arugula and fresh red currants.

4.   Begin your dinner with smoked marinated salmon with mesclun salad in honey soya dressing and double broth of spring chicken and coriander wantan.

5.   The selection includes marinated salmon on melba toast, essence of salmon with lemon grass, and poached salmon onratatouille.

6.   The rich goose liver on a crispy onion cake was most tasty as were the marinated smoked salmon and scallops with pesto mayonnaise that came along with the platter.

a. + salmon >>共 212
smoked 19.45%
wild 9.72%
pacific 5.12%
grilled 3.29%
fresh 3.15%
farmed 3.02%
canned 2.50%
endangered 2.37%
young 2.10%
poached 2.10%
marinated 0.79%
marinated + n. >>共 50
beef 6.52%
salmon 6.52%
olive 5.43%
pork 4.35%
vegetable 4.35%
crab 3.26%
fish 3.26%
mushroom 3.26%
salad 3.26%
meat 3.26%
每页显示:    共 6