1.   So many antiques that Architectural Digest magazine devoted a lengthy article to the subject in its November issue.

2.   The magazine devotes a lot of space to advertising.

3.   A magazine devoted to contemporary fashions.

4.   And under the multitude of photograph albums in the kitchen, two magazines devoted to swinging peak out for anyone to see.

5.   Architecture magazine devoted its cover in an issue earlier this year to the massive building.

6.   A restaurant trade magazine recently devoted an issue to jazzy new variations on classic cocktails.

7.   But the IBM fashion departure so alarmed Newsweek that the magazine devoted its cover feature recently to wondering whether we are becoming a nation of slobs.

8.   But when a satirical magazine devoted its cover to a photomontage in which she appeared to be having sex with the chancellor, she drew the line and sued.

9.   Canadian Living magazine devotes a whole issue to kids in the kitchen.

10.   Dog Fancy magazine devotes its entire September issue to questions of the canine afterlife.

n. + devote >>共 278
newspaper 5.71%
company 3.75%
magazine 3.60%
site 3.15%
network 2.85%
government 1.65%
agency 1.65%
museum 1.65%
people 1.50%
group 1.20%
magazine + v. >>共 613
say 11.59%
be 10.50%
report 5.13%
have 4.10%
publish 3.22%
go 1.18%
run 1.18%
offer 1.12%
name 1.09%
make 1.09%
devote 0.71%
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