1.   Shorter maturities are perhaps a little too volatile and respond to day-to-day liquidity conditions too readily to be used as such a guideline.

2.   Private investment is also expected to fall amid tighter liquidity conditions and weak investor sentiment.

3.   Bakhtiar said seeking fresh funds from the public was the most viable alternative for companies during tight liquidity conditions and soaring interest rates in the banking system.

4.   Changes in SRR are only undertaken when there is a fundamental shift in the liquidity conditions of the banking system.

5.   Rising imported inflationary pressure, looming property glut and high interest rates arising from the current tight liquidity condition are other causes for concern.

6.   Several textile manufacturers have closed down and many others have been hard pressed under the tight liquidity conditions.

7.   The money market experienced a similar expansion in the volume of trading, reflecting the strong demand for funds in an environment of tight liquidity conditions.

8.   There were some distortions in the intermediation process towards year-end due to the increased uncertainty, tight liquidity conditions and the consequent flight to quality of deposits.

n. + condition >>共 729
weather 19.82%
market 10.92%
heart 6.13%
prison 4.54%
business 3.64%
road 2.03%
drought 2.01%
health 1.94%
crop 1.51%
labor 1.41%
liquidity 0.15%
liquidity + n. >>共 75
problem 26.80%
crunch 18.04%
crisis 8.58%
ratio 4.90%
trap 3.50%
situation 3.50%
position 3.15%
squeeze 2.63%
shortage 2.45%
curve 1.93%
condition 1.58%
每页显示:    共 9