1.   It is not possible to whip light cream in the home kitchen without the use of a special additive.

2.   Add the light cream and milk and reheat the soup carefully, so it does not boil.

3.   Light sensual creams just seem to be the order of the day.

4.   Serve warm, with ice cream, light cream or hard sauce.

5.   The new chef, Laurent Gras, sets caviar on seared tuna and adds a light cream of cauliflower to the creation.

6.   The roasted squash and wilted chard also maintain their texture amazingly well within a light cream and Fontina sauce.

a. + cream >>共 208
whipped 42.75%
heavy 12.08%
remaining 3.21%
sweetened 1.82%
whipping 1.74%
hot 1.65%
thick 1.48%
fresh 1.30%
anti-wrinkle 0.87%
soured 0.78%
light 0.52%
light + n. >>共 1615
rain 5.36%
snow 5.10%
shower 4.77%
truck 4.40%
wind 3.06%
injury 2.09%
fixture 1.88%
rail 1.52%
switch 1.09%
plane 1.03%
cream 0.06%
每页显示:    共 6