1.   Clap your hands twice, and the light switches on.

2.   George Grindal returned to the doorway and fumbled around on the wall, wondering if there was a light switch.

3.   Her hand slid along a wall to a light switch.

4.   I felt inside the doorway and flicked the light switch.

5.   I ran my hand along the wall, looking for a light switch.

6.   She felt around for the light switch.

7.   Shivering in the chilly air, she groped across to the light switch.

8.   Stop playing with the light switch!

9.   Suzanne entered the dark hotel room and felt for the light switch.

a. + switch >>共 347
light 11.46%
dimmer 3.43%
double 3.21%
off 3.10%
such 2.25%
party 2.25%
electrical 1.82%
cutoff 1.71%
sudden 1.61%
new 1.61%
light + n. >>共 1615
rain 5.36%
snow 5.10%
shower 4.77%
truck 4.40%
wind 3.06%
injury 2.09%
fixture 1.88%
rail 1.52%
switch 1.09%
plane 1.03%
每页显示:    共 106