1.   Every fibre of my being is revitalized through this life energy.

2.   The therapy works by increasing the healing and life energy within the body, bringing about better health.

3.   But the children, like all children, were pumping their own life energy into the painful past of the memorial.

4.   By eliminating his alternate selves, Yulaw leaches their life energy.

5.   Ryan is transported to an alternative dimension, where good and evil are at war over the source of life energy.

6.   The office should have a feeling of life energy, whether you create it with plants, fish, or color.

n. + energy >>共 154
wind 8.68%
fusion 6.25%
heat 4.17%
microwave 3.82%
laser 2.78%
life 2.43%
activation 2.08%
biomass 1.74%
day 1.74%
week 1.39%
life + n. >>共 557
sentence 27.45%
imprisonment 17.27%
insurer 5.47%
support 5.41%
term 5.08%
saving 4.37%
story 4.21%
experience 2.70%
vest 1.56%
ban 1.02%
energy 0.12%
每页显示:    共 7