1.   Activation energies May often be obtained from rate measurements by using transition state theory.

2.   Enzymes increase the rate of a specific chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy needed for the reaction to proceed.

3.   The effect of raising the temperature is to make the individual molecules move faster, so that collisions can overcome the activation energy.

4.   As these relaxations require energy, and are associated with a characteristic activation energy, it has been suggested that they may improve the impact resistance of some materials.

5.   The Arrhenius equation provides a useful method for calculating the activation energy.

6.   The activation energy for a reaction is the minimum energy which colliding molecules require for a reaction to take place.

n. + energy >>共 154
wind 8.68%
fusion 6.25%
heat 4.17%
microwave 3.82%
laser 2.78%
life 2.43%
activation 2.08%
biomass 1.74%
day 1.74%
week 1.39%
activation + n. >>共 26
order 31.15%
energy 9.84%
fee 8.20%
scheme 6.56%
technology 6.56%
code 3.28%
process 3.28%
ceremony 1.64%
datum 1.64%
feature 1.64%
每页显示:    共 6