1.   A wide range of leisure activities such as swimming, fishing, and sailing are also available.

2.   Are darts and snooker sports or leisure activities?

3.   As already mentioned, it is likely that their life-styles will have involved more constructive and fulfilling leisure activities.

4.   As one would expect, single women have the most leisure activities.

5.   For a small village Long Riston is well equipped for sporting and other leisure activities.

6.   Frequently our younger engineers had leisure activities involving strenuous physical activity.

7.   Leisure activities offer opportunities for older people to meet others who share similar interests.

8.   Leisure activities still take place here although they are more likely to be water skiing, wind surfing and sailing rather than bathing.

9.   Make a deliberate effort to develop enjoyable leisure activities and hobbies.

10.   Many people have little time after work for leisure activities.

n. + activity >>共 1140
business 8.24%
market 2.82%
settlement 2.56%
construction 2.28%
rebel 2.07%
shower 2.04%
brain 1.83%
merger 1.78%
gang 1.76%
leisure 1.60%
leisure + n. >>共 148
time 19.11%
activity 10.72%
traveler 9.79%
centre 5.24%
travel 4.31%
facility 3.96%
industry 3.73%
complex 2.21%
company 2.21%
market 1.63%
每页显示:    共 92