business activity 31.14   Overall business activity is slipping.
  market activity 10.66   Market activity was minimal.
  settlement activity 9.68   Settlement activity is likely to follow.
  construction activity 8.62   Construction activity held steady.
  rebel activity 7.83   He has denied financing rebel activity.
  shower activity 7.70   No shower activity was observed.
  brain activity 6.91   There were no signs of brain activity.
  merger activity 6.71   Merger activity is another factor.
  gang activity 6.65   I saw gang activity.
  leisure activity 6.06   Leisure activities changed.
  drug activity 5.20   He was never charged with any drug activities.
  government activity 4.48   But much government activity halted.
  school activity 4.48   School activities.
  development activity 4.28   It also involved in the property development activities.
  guerrilla activity 4.28   Guerrilla activity in the region remains high.
  campaign activity 4.02   He also canceled campaign activity for the day.
  core activity 3.36   BA, by contrast, is retreating to its core activities.
  police activity 3.29   Neighbours were woken by police activity.
  investment activity 3.16   Five, inward investment activities to pay the deed.
  research activity 3.16   Her research activities will begin in earnest early next week.
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