1.   But the legislation bars broader trade sanctions.

2.   But the legislation would bar the use of any of the money for new spending programs.

3.   Current foreign aid legislation bars economic aid to Russia if Moscow provides equipment to Iran that substantially enhances its ability to build atomic weapons.

4.   Gilman warned that if the president recognizes Vietnam, the House will consider legislation to bar use of funds to establish an embassy there.

5.   Lawyers say the legislation could actually bar corporations from carrying out legitimate, traditional spin-offs.

6.   Last year, he proposed legislation to bar gays and lesbians from access to classified government files, saying that their sexuality made them vulnerable to blackmail.

7.   Lawyers said the original legislation could actually bar corporations from carrying out legitimate, traditional spin-offs.

8.   Local officials, however, have argued that the legislation could bar them from a legitimate source of tax revenue.

9.   Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, wrote a letter to The New York Times last fall denying that the legislation would bar judicial review in asylum cases.

10.   The Helms-Burton legislation would also bar countries from purchasing Cuban sugar and other products and then reselling them in the United States.

n. + bar >>共 344
law 17.75%
government 6.31%
constitution 3.91%
judge 3.67%
police 3.42%
authority 3.37%
rule 2.84%
sanction 2.59%
official 2.49%
bill 2.15%
legislation 1.03%
legislation + v. >>共 566
be 14.37%
allow 3.77%
require 3.60%
pass 3.26%
have 3.21%
make 2.46%
give 2.25%
go 1.98%
provide 1.79%
include 1.76%
bar 0.51%
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