1.   Now, for most foods, legislation allows the average weight to be stated.

2.   The legislation will allow the free movement of goods through all the countries in Europe.

3.   The redundancy payments legislation allows employees a four-week trial period in which to make up their minds.

4.   It also passed enabling legislation to allow further constitutional amendments to be made in the wake of the peace treaty.

5.   The Tory legislation does not allow us to do it.

6.   The legislation allowed contracts to provide either pension or death benefits or both.

7.   And he said Gore would propose legislation to allow the government to sue entertainment companies that target adult products to children.

8.   And the legislation would allow for the first time parents of low-income children to use federal money for private tutoring.

n. + allow >>共 1353
law 7.39%
government 4.18%
bill 2.26%
rule 2.06%
agreement 1.94%
system 1.84%
authority 1.36%
program 1.31%
technology 1.29%
official 1.16%
legislation 0.87%
legislation + v. >>共 566
be 14.37%
allow 3.77%
require 3.60%
pass 3.26%
have 3.21%
make 2.46%
give 2.25%
go 1.98%
provide 1.79%
include 1.76%
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