1.   Laws that allow merchants to sell some varieties of a product but not others tend to create the sort of legal confusion that discourages prosecution.

2.   Now the chaos and legal confusion unfolding in the courtroom in Sacramento, Calif., should make the extent of that error inescapably clear.

3.   Still, exchange rates are not the biggest worry for investors in Russia, compared with tax changes, legal confusion, bank irregularities, official corruption and crime.

4.   The legal confusion surrounding these important cases should compel the Supreme Court to resolve this national controversy.

5.   The Supreme Court has stepped in to end the legal confusion.

6.   But legal confusion abounds.

7.   Legal confusion abounds.

8.   Land deals are currently regulated by myriad laws approved by local legislatures, and the legal confusion has created a rich breeding ground for corruption.

9.   Such legal confusion is common in Russia, where courts are weak, post-Soviet laws are untested and authoritarian tradition runs deep.

10.   The legal confusion on the frontiers of science has been clouded further by efforts to legislate safeguards in the field of human embryology.

a. + confusion >>共 297
considerable 5.28%
widespread 3.89%
political 3.39%
mass 3.14%
further 3.02%
initial 2.89%
general 2.39%
mental 2.14%
public 2.14%
great 1.76%
legal 1.63%
legal + n. >>共 668
action 7.26%
expert 5.04%
system 3.16%
battle 3.06%
challenge 2.90%
immigrant 2.07%
right 1.71%
proceeding 1.64%
issue 1.42%
fee 1.27%
confusion 0.04%
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