1.   The matter was thrown into further confusion, however, when leave to appeal was granted to the minority shareholders.

2.   Although Harris County does not usually provide reserved seating for families, Warner said the sign was removed to avoid further confusion.

3.   An orchestrated disinformation campaign mysteriously airs on their channels, sowing further confusion.

4.   At last the whole affair is moving in the direction of clarity rather than further confusion.

5.   Adding further confusion is a subplot involving a local election for sheriff in Amarillo, Texas, where most of the characters start out.

6.   Brown and Davis could have excused themselves from the Wall Street proceedings, but it would have only caused further confusion.

7.   Further confusion comes with winemakers in the Northern Rhone distinguishing between a small-berry Syrah grape they call Petite Syrah and the larger-berried Grosse Syrah.

8.   Further confusion comes from the variety of special offers, cash backs and discounts available.

9.   His statement caused further confusion that Clinton sought to clarify in a meeting with the Russian president Tuesday afternoon.

a. + confusion >>共 297
considerable 5.28%
widespread 3.89%
political 3.39%
mass 3.14%
further 3.02%
initial 2.89%
general 2.39%
mental 2.14%
public 2.14%
great 1.76%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
confusion 0.08%
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